If you have no more idea how to finish FreeCell game, you can hold down CRTL+SHIFT+F10 keys. A message will appear on the screen. Choose Abort, and then drag a card to the top. Computer will finish the game for you.

More cheating:

Start a game. If you've moved the wrong card in FreeCell, quickly press F10 before clicking on another card. It's the Undo button.

Click on Game – Select Game menu (or press F3), type –1 for your new game, and click OK. You will get all cards sorted by color in ascending order.
Click on Game – Select Game menu (or press F3), type –2 for your new game, and click OK. You will get all cards sorted by color in descending order.
Try to finish both games!

And finally, you have to know that after you have won all the 65,535 games, FreeCell resets your winning streak back to zero.

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